Salon & Spa treatments and services by Pamela.
Essential Oils
Essential Oils
Tea Tree Essential Oil
A natural antibacterial oil. This oil is an oil for eliminating acne symptoms. Tea Tree helps to improve the skin’s appearance. This oil is powerful and can soothe and soften fine lines, wrinkles, as well as existing lesions from the past and current acne breakouts.
Rosemary Essential Oil
This oil can help balance the natural oil in the skin, refresh the skin without causing excessive dryness. Rosemary is also antibacterial and antiseptic. These helpful properties can help control acne, whiteheads, and blackheads.
Neroli Essential Oil
A powerful oil as well as being a strong antioxidant with circulation properties. Neroli also can help eliminate skin tags. Neroli can help prevent them from returning. Neroli can eliminate toxins in the blood that flows to the skin’s top layers. Results are healthy skin cells.
Cedarwood Essential Oil
This oil can be used to dry oily skin and also reduce acne and acne marks and scars. Cedarwood protects the skin’s pores from allowing harmful microbes, dust into the body. Cedarwood is also anti-aging is important because it gives the skin a youthful appearance with as a bonus! An incredibly beautiful you!
Carrot Seed Essential Oil
This oil is very rich in vitamin E that helps to moisturize the skin and vitamin C also protects the skin from inflammation and harmful sun rays. Carrot Seed Oil also rejuvenates the skin and removes dullness while giving it a firm toned look.
Geranium Essential Oil
This oil helps to remove toxins and nourishes oil the skin’s cells by helping to keep the skin hydrated. Also oil tree oil this as well as gives relief to inflammatory conditions such as Roscea and eczema. Geranium also assists the skin by decreasing age spots, and acne marks, scars, and blemishes too.
Frankincense and Helichrysum Oil
Frankincense and Helichrysum Oil
Frankincense and helichrysum are 2 of the world's most coveted oils
Dermaplaning: one of the latest trends in skincare services and treatments
What is Dermaplaning? A way for the clients to have a deeper exfoliation portion of a facial
Why should I have Dermaplaning? Is it right for you? What are the benefits of Dermaplaning either a facial or treatment?
This new way of exfoliation is in the category of physical exfoliant. By using a sterile surgical blade or a scalpel to gently shave or remove the top surface cells. Also removed is the peach fizz hair on the face called vellus hair. This hair is very fine and most referred to as peach fuzz.
The results from this exfoliation procedure/service and or technique will leave the skin amazingly soft, smooth, and silky
Some Benefits to a Dermaplaning facial:
- Dermaplaning can be done on most skin types
- Dermaplaning helps diminish the appearance of some fine lines and wrinkles
- Dermaplaning helps to reduce the appearance of some acne scars
- The skin appears smoother and softer
- Dermaplaning also eliminates the peach fuzz/vellus hair that can trap excess oils and dirt
- Dermaplaning is a safe procedure for removing dead skin cells and surface cells
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic Acid
This ingredient is one of the biggest amazing names in the anti aging platform of skincare. It boosts moisture and smooths the skin. Plumping the skin, moisturizing the skin combats dryness as well as improving moisture retention. Hyaluronic also improves lipid balance and the skin's barrier integrity. Hyaluronic Acid is often referred to as (HA).
This clear and gooey substance is also naturally produced by the body. The largest amounts can be found in our skin, connective tissue, and our eyes.
Hyaluronic acid has a wide variety of uses. You can find it in many topical skincare products, serums, and eye drops as well. You can also ingest them as a supplement form.
Supplementation of Hyaluronic acid can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and helps to increase the skin’s moisture. Topical creams, serums can also aid in smoothing the skin and soothing the redness and dermatitis.
Some dermatologists also inject (ha) fillers into the skin helping to keep the skin looking firm and youthful.
(HA) also helps with wound healing by regulating inflammation levels. It also helps the bodies’ joints by keeping your bones lubricated. An important aid to soothe acid reflux symptoms. Relieves discomfort in the eyes as well helps with eye dryness.
Hyaluronic acid is extremely beneficial in alleviating dry skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as wound healing. A wonderful powerhouse ingredient to have in your skincare products.
Considered a key ingredient in your skincare regime you should have.
But what is it and what does it do?
It is a powerhouse ingredient known as Vitamin A. It speeds up cell turnover, helps minimize fine lines and wrinkles and helps diminish hyperpigmentation. This amazing ingredient is also very beneficial to acne clients. It stimulates the basal cells to divide and move up to the surface of the skin, revealing a smooth surface and complexion. A derivative of Vitamin A which is not naturally found or produced in the body but has an effect and is responsible for healthy bones and muscle, it also helps with the production of collagen. Using topical retinol works by boosting the skin’s renewal process, also removes dead cells on the skin’s surface leaving the skin tighter and brighter.