Salon & Spa treatments and services by Pamela.
Glowbiotics Products and Peels
Glowbiotics Products and Peels
Examples of results using Glowbiotics and Glowbiotics Youthboost Peel MD
Uncommon Problems
Not everyone comes to Jahmeir Skincare Studio with common problems as you will see in the pictures that follow. This client had an unusual problem that Pamela was able to help him by using dermal ultrasound services. Dermal ultrasound services have the capability to work on the surface of the skin, as well as reaching the dermis, where most issues start. In combination with the ultrasound, this client was given some specialty products for homecare and was monitored daily on his progress for healing. This client was kind enough to keep a photo diary to show me how things were evolving. As you can see this issue has almost resolved itself with very little downtime, no medication, no doctor visit, and using organic skincare products at home. It was on his chest and during the consultation, for this skincare emergency we narrowed it down that it was probably an issue that occurred from the client doing a combination of home hair removal and other factors. We are pleased to let you know that is almost completely gone and Pamela has another happy and satisfied client.
*Warning intense images ahead...*